Friday, October 23, 2009

Waking up in the Marina District

I have this genuine hate for the marina district and the stuck up hoes in it due to the fact that half these bastards look down on other people because they don't have as much money as they do. I have no problem with people having money, if you have money, girl work it out, but these people are far beyond humble.
Anyway, my closest friend, who's also one of the closest things I have to family, Vi, has finally moved back to San Francisco and I'm beyond happy about it. It was nice going solo but it feels great having my sistah from another mistah by my side again. I've been helping him get his stuff together in his place (which is out here in the Marina...ugh).
Not really having been home in a while makes me realize how much i dislike the excelsior also. Alway's having to stare down someone because they wanna act like they've never seen a gay man before really get's old after a while. Sure we're in San Francisco but certain parts of it are not really ghetto per say, just has a bunch of "macho" ignorant fools up in it..mostly straight men I hate to say but it's true. Female's look and you can stare at hoe and she know's she can be handled so she looks the other way, men want to act all macho and hard in front of everyone so of coarse they're up for making a scene.
I haven't had an issues with anyone per say but I am getting tired of the excelsior....haight or castro would be amazing!
Being on this side of the city with my Vi just makes me feel happy though. Let me just say that it has been a rough year, and thank goodness everything is falling into place again.. it's just I'm getting busy beyond my own good..I'm not sure I'm leaving myself with enough time for more work...which is I guess what my plan was all along.

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