Last night I got a random call from my brother and I hardley ever hear from him so I invited him over to meet my roomies. It was really good to see him especially to clear up all the rumors I've been hearing. Turns out he is having a baby (if it turns out to be his) sometime in July. He's not getting married but he does have another court date coming up.
It's always really hard for me to see him then leave him or see him leave just because I feel like I can see in his face that he does want better for himself but I feel like he feels stuck.
The thing is he knows that he has family that's willing to help him but I feel like his pride is getting in the way from him reaching out for it. I love the kid to death and don't know how we both have taken such different paths in life. I understand we are completely different people but in the end all we want is the same be happy. Maybe our meaning of happy is different?
I just wish I didn't have to see him struggle like this...I once upon a time helped and played a part in raising the little shit and he'll always be my brother. I want the best for him I just have to realize that there's only so much I could do and the rest is up to him.
~Blogged from my cell Domino^Antoine