Thursday, July 9, 2009


So everything's been going quite alright, although my allergies have been kicking my ass lately. I was actually able to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night last night, although I ended up going to sleep pretty late.

I'm pretty sure my mom is in the Philippines by now. When I logged onto AIM, it notified me that one of my old screen names added me as a friend, which was the screen name my mother used from time to time. So I'm sure she's gotta be out by now. Fingers crossed.

I think I want a new group of gay friends again somewhat like back in the day but of course more adult this time, and all living in the city hopefully. It's so nice to have a group of 3 or 4 other friends that you can all just go out and have coffee or dinner or for a few drinks with. But I'm not going to lie, it's been a while since I had a little "crew" and I kinda like going solo and going out with one or two friends at a time. But a little group would be nice...maybe I need to give it a test run...any applicants?

So Beyonce's concert is tomorrow, and I am beyond excited. You guys know how I feel about my Beyonce'. That's my girl!!!! I'm the black and filipino gay male version of her...I know all if not most of her concerts by heart, including the coreagraphy!!! I'm so excited. I had bad things come in three so lets hope good things come in three far my mom might be out of jail, theres beyonce's concert tomorrow, and a possible date next week? hmmmm...we'll see! I'm excited none the less.

I almost feel re-newed and upgraded after that mess I just got out of, even though I've changed a bit. Well world...brace yourselves!


  1. I totally feel you on finding a more adult crowd to hang out with. Luckily, I've managed to find a couple people. So consider this my application to be your new gay adult dining/drinking buddy!

  2. LOL Sherry I love it! We'll do drinks next week after I get paid!
